
Muff Tu Off John Bennett

These lines runing backwards
of John Bennett tie Ana *to get_her_
ThIOngks faro the engAgement JB.

Log book

shor ted testifaction p coughing on the s tool
ail of box yr s hunt a pil e no f lavor
off an dimmler wit g p lunge the swif
the c rumbly one or you were net an numb
.bore the long lun fan a mil e ,past e
ter c rashing ben t ing cuber :b ack it c
so I ate the goo ,languid userness ,p

.fester inch ,blo tter ,shaking at the numbers
you jitter in yr bat me hone y ou were
word .nut c rash .wh at win ce .foggy on
moaning croutons ,viscous lake wash dancing cur
ds be neath yr h ite business in the testi
e an bit or bit e h robe cloddish like a
fogbound in the in dex h all ,quick mud dance

G asp gl ass

plan er sh rubbing tha tter an a g asping d rill
aler l agging t han yr g d rips an ,you a
lowing and you s peak y an a force of sayer
opply sorted like a sock col lection wee ps yr f oo
t jumpy f riction ou c rustive ,sagging ,t
.tide ham pens ,son c hewing s prayer p
parch meant to stu n yr for king me

c age the point ed smoke crowds the mirror
shimmer in duh z yr hands .yr g aping
h p ants ah nes he ramp ant b ending
s hafter c lub the soaked b oiling off yr quiz
.join the suck age t ter g rubs !root the
all the tunnels like immer c loaked wit
shoes ,yr stun t .gul ch d rum ,mag gots


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